Get to know us…
We’re a training firm dedicated to helping people master the inner game of business. We think work should be easier and we know the paradigm behind Innate Genius to make that happen.
We have decades of experience ranging from research and development to product design and manufacturing in the creative and technical sectors. Between us we’ve created products and international channels of distribution, spearheaded start-ups, led not-for-profits, invented new technologies, and helped others do the same.
We combine these years of industry experience with our expertise in the foundational principles behind human performance to help our clients access and leverage Innate Genius; producing results that were otherwise unattainable.
First and foremost Linda is a creator of things - of products, businesses and big ideas. She’s designed everything from billboards to high end shoes. She’s a figure-outer and re-inventor. She likes exploring the space between the known and the unknown. She knows the juice is really in what’s unknown.
From artist origins she became a designer, product creator and business builder for others and flexed her left brain working in the quixotic, frenetic and competitive fashion industry, taking on challenges, creating successful new product lines and new channels of distribution. As an entrepreneur she founded two design based businesses, living in the trenches as problem solver in chief.
She’s people and pattern intuitive, highly useful when people need her help to cut through their conditioned thinking about what’s possible. Her understanding of the powerful connection between insight, clarity, creativity and innovation helps clients exponentially impact their personal and business growth.
When she’s not working with entrepreneurs and businesses she’s podcasting, writing, recording and teaching design classes. When all that gets to be too much she’ll settle down in front of a juicy classic film noir.
If you’d like to know even more about her visit
Christine is a teacher, guide, and visionary for what’s possible; she’s a bold creative who unveils the potential people don’t know they posses.
She earned her degree in industrial engineering and was even honored with the Lillian Gilbreth award before her passions and curiosity took her elsewhere.
From the tan walls of cubicle land, writing software for high-speed waveform generators, to working and earning patents in the field of 3D imaging, tech was her thing. Eventually, shifting gears entirely, she entered the demanding world of not-for-profits where she served as president of an educational organization.
She greatly values the connection between our critical minds and the space of insight and loves nothing more than teaching people how to access and move between the two gracefully — because once they learn to do this, the sky’s the limit!
Always up for learning and adventure, Christine’s escapades include helping with humanitarian war relief, night diving with manta rays, and regularly taking her family on summer long cross-country camping trips.
When she’s not leading Genius events, she carves out time to write and deliver personal productivity programs for parents and young adults. You can find out more about that at Inspired Storm.
About the Art
In 2018, when we first started discussing a collaboration, we'd often meet for lunch at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. It was a perfect trifecta of things we both love: great art, delicious food, and exploring opportunities to make a difference to others.
Your Kinda Genius is the product of those conversations, and you may have noticed that we've brought the artwork with us too! Each of our courses and articles features art we find inspiring. We hope you enjoy soaking up these genius creations as much as we do!